Investment Books That I Recommend
Jan 19, 2021
I have often been asked in my investment class what book should a beginning investor read to improve investment knowhow. Here is my booklist.
These are books that I feel are written by authors who are not only gifted in this pursue of investing but are also willing to share with us their wisdom.
There are classic that I am reluctant to throw away and they include titles like The Intelligent Investor, A Random Walk Down Wall Street, The Little Book That Still Beats The Market and Winning The Loser's Game. My bookshelf is stack three-level high on many of these books that I am reluctant to throw away.
So here are my recommendation organise in three categories:
Category 1: Highly Recommended
The Intelligent Investor by Benjamin Graham
The Little Book that Beats the Market by Joel Greenblatt
Winning The Loser's Game by Charles D Ellis
Warren Buffet's Annual Letter Archived at
The Essays of Warren Buffett by Lawrence A. Cunningham
Margin of Safety by Seth A. Klarman
The Five Rules for Successful Stock Investment by Pat Dorsey
Value Investing: From Graham to Buffett and Beyond by Bruce C. N. Greenwald
How to think like Benjamin Graham and Invest Like Warren Buffett by Lawrence A. Cunningham
Group B - Very Good Reading
Basic Accounting Fresh From The Lemonade Stand by Judith Orloff
The Snowball - Warren Buffett and The Business of Life by Alice Schroeder
International Financial Statement Analysis by Thomas R. Robinson, Hennie van Greuning Elaine Henry, Michael A. Broihahn
Group C - Good Background/Specialty Reading
Financial Statement Analysis -A Practitioner's Guide by Martin Fridson, Fernando Alvarez
Equity Asset Valuation by Jerald E. Pinto, Elaine Henry, Thomas R. Robinson, John D Stowe
Group S - Investment books that I like from local authors
Show Me The Money Series (Book 1 to 4) - Ideas and Philosophy to Navigate the Markets by Teh Hooi Ling
Money Secrets - Mano Sabnani (Seriously, I don't like the title of the book and the book cover illustration. But there are tons of wisdom in there.)
Small Change (Book 1 & 2) by Goh Eng Yeow
自学成财 (Book 1 & 2) by 联合早报
Many of these titles are readily available in the library and bookshops.
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